Here are the pictures from Marlee's 5 month photo shoot (taken last Friday). She was very good but because of her wanting to move it was tough to get a shot. She would not sit up and when we put her on her tummy she was scooting about! We did get a few though, so here they are!
Pretty little Princess Marlee

Happy Baby Girl, loving her spring dress!

Still lacking in the hair department!

Marlee was really good, and surprisingly when I went to have both their pictures taken Mason was very well behaved and cooperative too! I was shocked. Unfortunately by the time the pictures of both of them came around it was Marlee who was pooped! I did get one, but that's all that was worth printing.

Here is her sweet baby face!

And here is a similar shot of Mason at his 5 month photo shoot. I think their eyes and full cheeks are all that are similar. Looks like Marlee might score daddy's plump lips!

See you soon!!