Yep, she's already 9 months old! Wow! Marlee is such a joy and really becoming a social butterfly! She loves to wave and when we recently were at the mall with my grandma she was relaxing with me and waving at everyone that walked by! She really loves her "dada" now and excitingly waves at him and flashes a big goofy grin when she see's him! She also loves whatever Mason has and quickly follows him where ever he goes! She is a fast mover and loves to pull up and move around all the furniture, dogs, people... whatever she can! She stood up from the floor by herself just the other day and is continuing to take a step here and there but no walking yet. She loves to push her baby now in her stroller and really likes her sippy cup (but especially likes to find Masons with orange juice!) She brings us so much joy! She is a very happy baby, sleeps very well now and really likes to eat! I have just started moving beyond cheerio's and have given her cut green beans and some banana. She's not sure what to think of these new textures just yet! She still loves to eat new foods through her mesh net contraption. Her words are mama, dada, bubba, ni-ni (for night-night), ba-ba (bottle), and hi; she is trying to say dog which now sounds just like "da". I hope you can all see her soon because she is changing too darn fast!
Here is my pretty Mar Mar at the park.
And my future cheerleader in the barn!
We love you baby girl!
Memorial Day brings a new friend!
We had some friends over this past Memorial Day but most exciting was Marlee's new girl friend Irie that came to play. Irie is my friend from PU Kesha's little baby girl who is just a month older than Marlee. They had a lot of fun together and Kesh and I enjoyed taking pictures of them!
Here they are in the baby pool, Irie left, Marlee taking her hat back, right!
And in the sun...
And playing before bath time...
And in the tub together. Kesh and I decided next time this may be a little more fun, it got a little ugly in here after this picture!
We're so glad you came to play Irie, and we hope you can come again real soon!
Petting Zoo...
We took a fun afternoon trip to Gas City to check out their petting zoo. While not very big it was a lot of fun. They have lots of llamas and goats, deer, chickens, peacocks, ostrich's, and ducks! We got to feed the animals and they were cute how they followed us around. Then we went to the little park nearby and just had a great time!
Here are the kids and our new animal friends!
Silly boy and his pal the goat!
Reagan's 3rd Birthday!
Oh my gosh, Reagan is 3!!! I can't believe we are already celebrating this event. It seems like yesterday Nat and I were pregnant! How our lives have changes since those days! We were all a little bummed the weather kept us from the splash park but we had fun just being together at the McDonald's Play-land anyways! Tricia and I rode down with Mason and Stella only so we could manage better. They had fun, Stella didn't know what to think with Mason in her car and not her brother or sister and Mason didn't think he "recognized" things (we were in the Shanks new suv!) We had fun celebrating with Reagan!
Here is Stella enjoying that yummy cupcake-- a little messy though!
Mason and the birthday girl!
Nat and her 3 YEAR OLD!!!
Happy Birthday Miss Reagan!
PHISH... Knoxville, TN
Scott and I have shared many, many memories together with the band, Phish, in our pre-baby days. They broke up for awhile but this year they reunited and kicked off a new tour! We missed the first few shows because of our vacation to Atlantis but were finally able to catch up last night... and it was worth the wait! We got an amazing show and boogied our booties off! We love these guys and are so happy they are back, and better than ever!
Scott and I in the arena, this venue held nearly 26,000 Phans!
Trey and Mike getting their groove on!
Paige, Trey, Mike and Fishman
Encore Paige brought out the "keytar" for a nasty "Frankenstein!"
West Baden.... Mommy getaway!
Tricia and I went away the past weekend on a small roadtrip to Southern Indiana to the West Baden resort for some peaceful relaxation and spa time! It was as wonderful or more wonderful than it sounds. We walked into the dome and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, something neither of us have experienced in a very, very long time!! We arrived on Friday and sat by the pool, then had a hot stone massage! Then we had a nice dinner outside on top of one of the golf courses and overlooked the gorgeous hills of Southern Indiana where we watched a perfect sunset and then rocked under the full moon. We of course found the local dive for night life and had a blast with our new friends! Saturday was even more spa time and a walk to the stables, through the grounds and we enjoyed a carriage ride! This was just a little of what we did, I need to stop because I know this is a long post. We came home Sunday but really enjoyed our QUIET, relaxing weekend away!
The view of the atrium from our room! Gorgeous-- this place does not feel like Indiana!
One of our friends who gave us a wild golf cart tour!!
Tricia and I at the Casino. Since she turned 30 I have given her a hard time since I'm a year younger. When we saw this sign we about flipped so the cops let us take it out and took our picture for us! HA!
Sorry to have kept you so long, but I think I have you up to date!
See you soon!