Mason Stephen Moorehead is 2 and 1/2 years old today! I can't believe I have a pre-schooler! He is so much fun and such a smart little guy. He is a sponge and repeats everything he hears. He loves robots right now, especially Wall-E and Eve. He loves that movie and insists we watch it every day! He says the lines before the characters do now. Usually while he watches it he wanders back to his playroom where he makes Wall-E, Eve and the other robots out of anything he can find. He uses his imagination all the time and pretends we are all robots. He always wants to play "I'm Wall-E, you're Eve, and Peanut is Mo!" He loves to play outdoors, swinging is still his favorite activity but he is really getting into the big slides at the parks and playing in our woods now too. He loves ATV rides with daddy on nice days. He loves to have books read to him and can fill in most of the blanks if you stop reading his favorite books. It's funny, he'll be walking around playing and out of no where he quotes a book or a line from his movie. He is enjoying learning his letters now and is interested in the sounds they make. We are trying to learn a few words too. He likes to paint and draw and color; he can draw a circle now. He is so much fun and a great kid and such a sweetie. He loves his family and friends more than anything! We are so lucky to have our Mason!
Here he is playing with his friend Reagan last week at Recreation Unlimited. They had a blast there.
He loves to fling his long hair around!
Here he is today, 2.5!!! Wow, time flies!
My sweet, sweet baby boy!
See you soon!