As most of you know I love dogs and am the Vice President of Marion's Humane Society. With that comes unlimited access to dogs, puppies, kittens and cats! Sometime I bring home a foster (or 10!)!! A little over a week ago I brought home Max. He was a stray that had been with a family for about a month and they had tried to find him a rescue to get into. Finally the lady got in touch with me and about 2 weeks after our contact we had a spot open up in the rescue we support. Well, it turned out the weekend before Max's arrival the spot got filled by 2 other dogs and Max just had a spot in a crate on a "waiting" list. I couldn't let that happen because I knew he needed some attention now. So I brought him home.
The night before I told Mason we were bringing home a boy dog to help get well and help him find a home. I asked what we should name him and immediately he shouted, "Max!" So Max it was. After a couple attempts at finding him a home and falling in love (which I do in most cases) we decided Max is everything we want in a dog, just a year or two before we were going to discuss it! I call him "Mellow Max" and we also call him "Mighty Max." Some people may not think Max would be so perfect, as he is missing his front teeth, hair around his neck and back and a little scruffy. But we think he is PERFECT!! He is a wonderful dog and just fits right in. He is 3 or 4 years old, maybe some collie or shepherd, and weighs in a little less than 50 lbs. We got him healthy in the first week with us and only have one more minor appointment left for him, where we make him official by micro chipping! I can't wait to see how he does when he can roam the yard (training on invisible fence is Friday) and enjoy the outdoors with Ruby and Emmy too. For now he likes it inside with us and enjoys his walks with his new mommy, daddy and kids that adore him!
Welcome Max!! We love you!!!
Isn't he cute!
Hanging with Marlee and the girls.
His new dog sisters!
See you soon!