It's been such a busy, busy month for us! I kept saying that things would slow down in July but boy was I wrong! The kids are busy, the weekends are crazy and the Humane Society is taking up every last minute I have left! Marlee's 11th month just flew right by. I can't believe I am planning her first birthday party already! She is too much fun these days... always wants to be the center of attention, flirting with boys, trying any food you hand her, walking all over, getting into baby dolls, jibber jabbering and laughing all the time! I mean it... this stage is so awesome!! Her and Mason usually get along although he does tend to get a little too rough when they are really playing. I often find him in time out on his own enforcement when she starts to cry! He is always concerned with her well being and gives her good night kisses which they both love! She says more words but only uses a few regularly. She loves to grab my phone and "talk" and is finally enjoying the car with her seat turned forward facing! They both love to go and do new things. Marlee loves to be outside, she often is at the door waiting on someone to take her out! She also loves her dogs. She walks up to Emmy and gets right in her face because she knows she'll get a big kiss! Goofy girl!
Mason is starting Pre-School tomorrow!!!!!!!! Holy Moly!!! I took him last week for a "practice" class where I was able to stay with him and he met a few other new kids and his teachers. He is going to a Montessori School here in Marion which I am so excited about. I have always wanted him in one since I learned the principles a few years back. I think he is going to do great! He goes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for 3 hours in the morning. I am so excited for him socially and for the added stimulation. I'll keep you posted on his progress!
It's been so long since I posted I have a lot of pictures so I'll just update as you look through them! Sorry about my bad blogging! Hope everyones having a great summer!
We needed a trip to Indy when we realized Scott needs his own car seat now for Mason since he is dropping off and I am picking up from school. After our shopping we took the kids to the splash park in Carmel for an energy release! Tim and Krista met us then we went for some Ice cream. It was a fun afternoon and the kids did great without their afternoon nap! Marlee loved the sprinklers! She was cracking us up just walking right through the cold water laughing. Of course Mason had a great time too!
One of the big kids......
So much fun!!
Miss Marlee early in the morning cruising on her ride, backwards!
Mason on his unofficial first day...
Masons newest obsession (a stem off the robot obsession) is Transformers! Here they are in "vehicle form"
And "transformed" into bot form!
Playing outside.... We had been in the pool and he found a tree to play in while mommy was trying to get him in for nap... always something!
We had a fun playdate with my friends from PU, Amanda, Katie and Aimie and Nat too. We have been talking about getting together for about 9 months now... better start planning the next one soon guys! I didn't do good with pictures but here is one of Wyatt feeding Marlee (I think in 25 years it may be wedding cake!!)
BIG Congrats are in order for my Bro-in-law and soon to be Sis-in-law Timmy and Krista!! Not only on their engagement (May 22 is the big day) but also on their first baby LEXI!!! We love her to pieces! What a cute family!
And we had a wonderful party the first weekend in August where lots of my family from my moms side gathered to celebrate my Grandpa B's 80th! It was such a fun day! So glad everyone could join us and the weather cooperated! Happy Birthday Grandpa B!
Just playing again....
Hanging out at Stella, Norah and Ryans. Stella was showing Mar Mar how to splash!
We love it so much when our cousins Avery, Jackson and Anna come to play! They stayed with Mimi and Poppy a few weeks ago and came to swim and play. The only thing Mason says when they leave is, "when are my cousins coming back to play?"
Avery LOVES the Cooler Scooter!! She gives rides all day!
Sorry I kept you so long. We've been so busy around here it's hard to keep up with the blog.
See you soon!